
Types of Financial Aid

Federal Pell Grant

The Federal Pell Grant provides financial aid to eligible students for tuition, lab and registration fees. Eligibility is determined by a Financial Aid staff member. Students must have a high school diploma or GED. The Federal Pell Grant supports Lively Technical College programs of 600 or more hours. Students must be enrolled a minimum of 225 hours per semester. A Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) must be completed online at www.studentaid.gov. The Federal Pell Grant requires a new application each academic year.

Application Process:

  • Student must complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) online to apply for the Pell Grant and FSEOG Grant at www.studentaid.gov.
  • Student is required to have a high school diploma or GED to qualify for financial aid. As of July 1, 2012, the Ability-to-Benefit test (Wonderlic) will no longer qualify students to receive Title IV funding. Ability-to-Benefit students who are continuing in a program they began prior to July 1, 2012 will be allowed to continue receiving financial aid until the end of their program.
  • Student will need to speak with a Student Services to complete their enrollment application.
  • Student will continue financial aid application with the Lively Technical College Financial Aid Office (FAO).
  • FAO will verify information provided on the FAFSA Application and student may need to provide additional documentation requested by the FAO to complete the verification process.

Registration Process:

  • Once student has been verified, FAO will provide an award letter, as well as possible deferment options based on their individual Pell Award and hours of enrollment. Student may use this deferment to register for classes, if applicable. Student also has the option to enroll by paying fees out-of-pocket without deferment.
  • The enrollment process is not complete until student has delivered all documentation to the Registration Office to receive a student schedule, student ID, and/or parking permit.


  1. Pell Grant recipients may qualify for deferrals. Deferrals may be granted on a semester basis. Fee deferment is the postponement of payment until student is awarded the Pell grant and/or any additional grants and scholarships for which the student is eligible.
  2. Types of Deferment
    1. Tuition and fees including registration, lab and miscellaneous fees.
    2. Books and supplies required by program of enrollment.
  3. Students must complete the verification and registration process prior to the first day of class to be eligible for both types of deferments.
  4. Student will be given the opportunity to defer not to exceed the award amount.
  5. Subsequent Semester Deferrals:
    1. Student must notify the FAO for subsequent deferrals prior to registration.
    2. FAO will determine if returning semester deferral is warranted based on progress, grades and attendance
    3. If it is not warranted, the FAO will explain to the student what course of action is to be taken
    4. If it is warranted, FAO will provide a deferral for the next semester, then student will go to the Registration Office to register for his/her program.
  6. Should student fail to maintain attendance, grade and/or progress requirements, deferrals will not be granted and all fees will become the responsibility of the student.

Satisfactory Academic Progress/Attendance/Grades

  1. Pell requires students to maintain satisfactory academic progress AT ALL TIMES to continue eligibility. Federal Pell regulations require both Quantitative and Qualitative measures of progress. This means satisfactory progress of program hours and weeks, as well as maintaining a cumulative passing grade.
  2. Lively Technical College requires students to maintain 78% cumulative attendance and a “C” grade average or better (2.0) for satisfactory progress. The cumulative period for attendance, grades and progress is from the beginning to the end of your program.
  3. Program instructors will submit Monthly Attendance and Individual Timesheet Reports at the end of each month verifying attendance, grades and progress. Progress will be checked twice an enrollment period.
  4. Students with excessive absences resulting in the inability to complete their designated program within 150% of program hours will be withdrawn.
  5. Pell students who did not meet appropriate attendance and grade requirements will be issued a warning. A warning is an indication that the student is not progressing satisfactorily. No action will be taken by the Financial Aid Office at this time.
  6. Students who fail to meet satisfactory academic progress by the end of the payment period will be placed on probation. Students are permitted one probationary payment period and still remain Pell eligible, but not two consecutive payment periods. If a student fails to meet satisfactory academic progress for two consecutive payment periods, student will no longer be Pell eligible.
  7. Failure to meet Pell requirements within the payment period could require students to assume responsibility for repayment of past and future tuition fees as well as Pell grant termination.
  8. The Pell grant disbursement is processed as students progress through the payment periods designated by the length of each individual program. Disbursement will occur when a student has successfully achieved 40% of the hours and weeks of the designated payment period. All outstanding balances to Lively Technical College will be satisfied before students are issued a refund check.
  9. Students experiencing a significant life change, including, but not limited to, change of employment, homelessness, prolonged illness, pregnancy, death of immediate family member, etc. may present documentation to the Financial Aid office for consideration.

Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG)

This is a federally funded grant which is awarded to students who demonstrate significant financial need. Awards are calculated by the Financial Aid Office and are determined by need and availability of funds. Students must apply for and be eligible to receive a Pell Grant for the same academic year.


FSEOG requirements are contingent upon the same attendance, grades and progress requirements of the Pell grant


  • FAO will determine student eligibility during verification process.
  • FAO will verify student meets all attendance/grades/progress requirements.
  • FAO will divide equally all available FSEOG funds among eligible students.
  • FSEOG will be processed concurrently with the Pell grant disbursement.

Florida Student Assistance Grant (FSAG)

  • The Florida Student Assistance Grant (FSAG) grant is a need-based grant program that receives funding from the State and Federal governments.
  • A student applying for the FSAG grant is required to apply for the Pell grant. A Pell grant entitlement shall not be required as a condition of receiving the FSAG grant.
  • Eligibility is based on the following:
    • Student must be a Florida resident and US citizen or eligible non-citizen
    • Not owe a repayment or be in default under any state or federal grant, loan or scholarship
    • Student must be enrolled a minimum of 360 hours per term
    • Not have a baccalaureate degree


FSAG requirements are contingent upon the same attendance, grades and progress requirements of the Pell grant


  • FAO will determine student eligibility during verification process.
  • FAO will verify student meets all attendance/grades/progress requirements.
  • FAO will divide equally all available FSAG funds among eligible students.
  • FSAG will be processed concurrently with the Pell grant disbursement.

Financial Aid Fee Trust (FAFT)

Tuition assistance is available to qualified students through the Financial Aid Fee Trust Program based on availability of funds. Student eligibility is determined by the guidelines provided in the Financial Aid Policies and Procedures information.


  1. Student demonstrates financial need when the Cost of Attendance exceeds awards by Pell, FSEOG, FSAG or waivers.
  2. Student must meet the following requirements:
    1. Must be eligible for instate tuition and a US citizen or eligible non-citizen
    2. Submit a complete, error-free Free Application of Federal Student Aid (FASFA) each school year.  If a FAFSA cannot be completed, student must provide a notarized letter/statement as to why.  Letter must be unanimously approved by Financial Aid Officers and Administration.
    3. SAI less than $15,000
    4. Demonstrate sufficient financial need to qualify for an award
    5. May not be in default of student loan
    6. Does not owe a repayment of any grants or scholarships to any school
    7. Have a HS Diploma or GED
    8. Must be enrolled in a program at least 600 hours in length
  3. Eligible students will be given a separate application for FAFT

Use of FAFT

  1. FAFT may only be used to cover outstanding fees owed to the school.
  2. Cannot be used for repeating class
  3. If withdrawn while receiving FAFT, the student will not be eligible for FAFT in the future.
  4. Returning student must be meeting SAP

Open Door Grant

The Open Door Grant Program helps create a demand-driven supply of credentialed workers for high- demand occupations and expands the affordability of workforce training, certification and credentialing programs.  Funds are awarded on a first-come, first serve basis.  Priority will be given to returning students.  Funds may be used to cover outstanding fees due to the institution such as tuition, fees, examination, books and supplies.  Subject the availability of funds.


  1. Be admitted and enrolled full-time in an eligible program
  2. Be a Florida State resident and US citizen or eligible non citizen


There are many scholarships that are accepted at Lively Technical College with individual guidelines. It is the student’s responsibility to secure these scholarships and provide the necessary documentation to the Lively Technical College Financial Aid Office. Florida Prepaid is also accepted at Lively Technical College. There are a limited number of additional scholarships available in various programs. See the program instructor for details.

Lively Technical College proudly accepts the following Bright Futures scholarships: Florida Academic Scholars, Florida Academic Top Scholars, Florida Medallion Scholars, and Gold Seal Vocational Scholars. Please see the Financial Aid Office for additional information. Prospective students must be accepted and enrolled for at least 180 clock hours per term. Students should apply for the scholarships during the last year of high school.

Vocational Rehabilitation (VR)

Vocational Rehabilitation is a federal-state program that works with people who have physical or mental disabilities to prepare for, gain or retain employment. VR is committed to helping people with disabilities find meaningful careers. Students who meet the criteria for education/training through this government agency may enroll in vocational/technical programs at Lively Technical College. Guidance counselors and the Vocational Rehabilitation representative cooperate in serving students who qualify for this assistance. The Vocational Rehabilitation Agency requires students to apply for the Federal Pell Grant. Federal regulation requires Lively Technical College to provide consumer information to all of our students. This is for estimation purposes only. The costs below reflect an average of the programs per year of attendance (9 months). Please see individual program flyer for estimates tailored specifically to your program.